This book with its exquisite logic, not only proves decisively the existence of life after death, but it also makes clear the relevance of our states in the hereafter. Directly inspired by the Qur’an, it opens up a highway leading to a rational understanding of these vital subjects. It achieves this by demonstrating that all beings in the cosmos are the manifestations of the Divine Names, and that each Name logically requires the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment, and the hereafter. Now, when belief by imitation is no longer acceptable, this book offers readers a way to attain true and certain belief....
Date Added: Thursday 27 February, 2014 Manufacturer: Barla Publications
God’s Most Noble Messenger claimed: “I am the envoy of the Creator of this universe. My proof is that He will change His unbroken order at my request and prayer. Now look at my fingers: He causes them to run like a fountain with five spigots. Look at the moon: by a gesture of my finger, He splits it in two. Look at that tree: to affirm me, and to bear witness to me, it comes to me. Look at this food: although it is barely enough for two or three men, it satisfies two or three hundred”. In addition, he demonstrates hundreds of similar miracles....
Date Added: Thursday 27 February, 2014 Manufacturer: Barla Publications
As this sura of the Qur’an is most frequently recited by the Muslims, and to expand their knowledge of those aspects of it that perhaps they are unfamiliar with, we wanted to make available the part on Sura al-Fatiha without delay. The second part of this book is a deeper level interpretation of Sura al-Fatiha which enhances the first section that Bediuzzaman wrote for his students and the other prisoners while being held in Afyon Prison in 1948-1949. It is our hope that this will be of benefit to many people....
Date Added: Thursday 27 February, 2014 Manufacturer: Barla Publications